Field of Expertise Administrative-Law
Competition & Antitrust

LLB Faculty of law, IDC Herzliya, Israel (1999)

BA Business, IDC Herzliya, Israel (1999)

LLM, Faculty of law, Hebrew University of Jerusalem (2001)

Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University within the framework of W.S.L (2020)

Bar Membership Israel 2000 Languages

Hebrew & English

Team    >    Administrative-Law/Competition & Antitrust

Adv. Yaron Sobel

Attorney Yaron Sobel – heads the tenders and administrative law field.

Yaron specializes in tender law and administrative law, has over 20 years of experience as a legal advisor in the fields of tenders, infrastructure, and administrative in government bodies, and served, among other things, as the legal advisor and head of the legal division in Prime Minister’s Office.

Yaron has rich, extensive and diverse knowledge and experience in competitive procedures accompaniment of hundreds of interdisciplinary, infrastructural and technological projects, leading complex tenders and resource-intensive contracts and regulation.

As part of his widespread experience, Yaron accompanied and managed many tenders and competitive procedures – throughout all stages – starting with designing the terms of the tender, formulating the contract outline, editing the various legal documents, dealing with all accompanying issues and phases, assisting in executing and contracting with the winning bidder and providing Legal support to the contract until its finishes.